Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Persecuting Jesus

There is a war against Christianity, and despite what you may or may not hear in the media, it is not slowing down. Every day there are Christians being persecuted for their faith. They are stripped of their rights. Their neighbors threaten them with violence and death. Their homes are destroyed. Their families beat them and reject them. And their governments want to slaughter them.

Around the world our brothers and sisters are boldly believing and proclaiming Christ in places where the penalty for doing so is often prison or death. I want to encourage you to join us and the hundreds of thousands of churches and many Christians around the world on November 11th, 2012, who will be praying on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

In Acts 9 when Paul was persecuting Christians God stopped him by a blinding light and Paul cried out “Who are You, Lord?” and then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting..." Paul thought he was persecuting Christians but in truth he was persecuting Jesus and it's the same thing going on today.

The 19th century French painting, "Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer," today hangs in the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore.
The artwork above is a historic scene that took place in the Circus Maximus in Rome in the 19th century. It seems so far from what we know in America but it's not uncommon to what happens to our brothers and sisters around the world. Jesus promised His followers that the world would hate and persecute them. I hope you will join us and learn more about the war against Christianity.

Do you believe prayer changes things? The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is a global day of intercession for persecuted Christians worldwide. Will you join us and commit to pray for our brothers and sisters on November 11th, 2012? Persecuted Christians often plead for prayer to help them endure. The most we can do is the least we can do — pray. 

(Please note that while Sunday, November 4, 2012 is the designated date for IDOP, you are free to choose another date if you wish.)
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