Monday, November 26, 2012

Forgotten Christmas - Shopping?

The glitter of lights, the over-the-top spending, So many people get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season and forget why there's even a holiday. Soon we’ll be reminded of the greatest story of all time. If you look hard, you may find the main character, Jesus Christ. He's resting quietly, hidden among the inflatable snow globes, the singing Christmas trees and the jolly mall Santas. Have we forgotten what Christmas is all about? Have the snowmen, presents and colorful lights obscured the true reason for celebration?

This year do something about the way we look at Christmas presents. The biggest gift you can give is the gift of God's promise of eternal life through faith in Christ. Watch the following video, be inspired, and find practical ways to impact a life this Forgotten Christmas. Share the Gospel, and encourage others to remember the most important part of Christmas: the gift of our Savior.

Who do you want to help this Christmas? This season, benefit from making an impact in the life of a person in Asia.  These gifts are tangible expressions of Christ's love. Discover how each unique gift can change a life. You can choose to send hope that can forever change a life.

To purchase an item for someone in need, start here.

Remember that Gospel For Asia sends 100% of the funds for Christmas gifts to the mission field. Gospel for Asia is firmly committed to good stewardship and use gifts wisely and effectively in Christ's name.

My Christmas wish this season is that you would really celebrate Christ. Remember prayer is a powerful way you can also make an impact for eternity, so pray that people come to put their trust in Jesus. Also lost people love to buy gifts, so just go ahead and be bold to tell them about the greatest Gift ever, Salvation through Jesus!

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One hundred percent of what you give Gospel for Asia to sponsorship goes to the field.
As a member of the ECFA Gospel for Asia manages your gift with financial integrity.ECFA
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