Friday, August 10, 2012

Damascus, Syria - Destroyed?

Damascus is the capital of Syria and is increasingly in the news being extremely anti-Israel. Many terrorist organizations (such as the heavily-armed militias like Hizballah) have their bases in Damascus which is positioned to the north-east of Israel have constant interaction. But did you know that the Bible prophecy's that Damascus will one day be destroyed? (Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27 which is yet to happen).

Isaiah 17:1 says: "Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, ​​ ​​And it will be a ruinous heap."

Image from Israel Today
"Israel’s modern interaction with Syria is interesting, and a potential hot-spot for future conflict. When Syria occupied the Golan Heights, a strategically crucial high plateau above the whole region of Galilee, Israel was under constant threat of invasion and shelling from Syrian placements on the Golan. But when Syria eventually made a full on invasion of Israel from the Golan, Israel miraculously beat them back and captured the Golan Heights. Now, Syria insists that this strategically crucial region is theirs and must be given back. The Israelis are adamant that they will never give back land that belongs to them, and is necessary for their security. In the meantime, Syria fights Israel through terrorism and their support of militia groups in Lebanon. The dream of a “Greater Syria,” encompassing Syria, Lebanon, and parts of northern Israel is a powerful influence in the Syrian leadership."  (1.)

Have a hard time believing what the Bible says? Well, just watch the news and you'll this come to pass soon. Syria has been adamant in its demand that Israel surrender the Golan Heights, threatening war if Israel fails to comply. In 2006 Hezbollah convinced leaders in Damascus that Syria can be victorious in a conflict with Israel by simply overwhelming the tiny nation with rocket attacks (2). If Syria miscalculates and attacks Israel with these weapons, the Israeli response will be swift and devastating. The fulfillment of this prophecy will only be even more evidence that the rapture of the church is coming very soon. Are you ready for the return of Christ? If you're not, click here to read about how to get ready.

Isaiah 17:7 says: "In that day a man will look to his Maker, ​​And his eyes will have respect for the Holy One of Israel."

1. Guzik, David. "Study Guide for Isaiah 17." Enduring Word. Blue Letter Bible.
7 Jul 2006. 2012. 6 Aug 2012.
<http:// >
2. <>

Also here is the current time and date in Israel as I publish this post so you can know this wasn't written after the destruction of Damascus happens.

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