Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Are you gathering or scattering?

Jesus said "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad." Matthew 12:30 & Luke 11:23

In other words, Jesus is saying that anyone who isn't with Him or who isn't working with Him is actually working against Him and opposes Him. Wow, by Jesus saying this He tells us there is no neutral ground. In the context of these passages, Jesus has just healed a man and is talking to the religious leaders and told them that a house divided cannot stand. So often we can be caught up in what's going on in the Church and miss out on actually being the church. It's great to serve in the church but we cannot neglect the ministry of being salt and light to the world around us. Our lives are a living testimony to the people around us and maybe the only Bible some will ever see.

The religious leaders were so caught up in what they were doing that when Jesus came into their view they rejected Him because He didn't do things the way they did things. Oh how foolish we are when we compare ourselves to other people. If they had only looked into the Scriptures they would have seen that even in Isaiah 61 Jesus was fulfilling the prophecies right before their eyes. We too don't want to get too caught up in what we are doing if we are not doing it with the right heart for Jesus. It is also a good reminder that we can't fix anyone, but should bring them directly to Jesus for healing.

Jesus came to seek and save the lost, which is all of us and He died on the cross for all of our sins. We too should have a heart to see the lost saved, to see the broken healed, to see the blind receive sight, and to see the captives set free. Now if we are not gathering with Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit then we are actually scattering. What a frighting thought to be in such opposition to God. Our heart should break for the lost as well, and we should never get to the point where we would rather see people in Hell then redeemed and in Heaven. I've seen people push others away from considering to trust in Jesus by either their words or by their lifestyle. And I'm sure I also have been a hindrance to a few soon after I trusted in Jesus and pray that the Lord will bring healing to any damage that I may have caused.  

It was this verse that helped make Pastor Greg Laurie’s defining moment in his life when he chose God. He had been living a life of partying, drugs and drinking... finding that none of it was making him truly happy. He saw a crowed of “Jesus Freaks” and was confronted with that bible verse. Someone said to him, you're either with God or against God and Greg said, “Well I don’t want to be in the category against God!” We may never be as well known or get the chance to lead thousands of people to Christ as Pastor Greg Laurie has but we can reach people others can't.

So if you are sitting in what you think is neutral ground, wake up, your not!  And it's time for you to make a decision. Will you surrender your heart to God and trust in the payment Jesus made for you by dying on the cross for you sins? Will you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead 3 days later? Maybe you have already given your life to Jesus but are not seeking the lost and bring them to Jesus. We come in contact with the lost every day, and can talk to someone or plant a seed with them. If your not sure how to reach the lost, pray and let the Lord show you what you can do to help. Then leave the results up the Lord and be faithful to trust that God will bless His Word as it goes out.

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Please be mindful of your words
(Eph. 4:29; Matt. 12:37; James 1:19; James 1:26).

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(Col. 4:6; Rom. 12:10; Eph. 4:15, 25).

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