Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Have you ever been hungry?

Have you ever seen a nice warm meal and then your stomach growled and you were hungry? But when was the last time you ate? Was it just minuets or hours ago? Often we complain that we are hungry or starving, but just because we haven't eaten for a few hours doesn't mean we are starving. Recently we fasted for a day without eating food to draw closer to the Lord and seek His direction in a few areas of our life and family. We live in America, the land of food, and have never been without food because we didn't have any.

Now, imagine with me for a moment that you are so hungry that you have to resort to eating dirt just to fill your belly? But what you don’t know is that in the mud you just ate there are toxic chemicals. As you get sicker and sicker you wonder if anyone can help you. As you begin to be in more pain you hear stories of people in the West who have so much food they actually throw most of it away.
Now that paints a picture of true starving, and the reality is that in India there are over 2 million children who die of hunger each year. Can you grasp that number? Think of it this way, that’s 6,000 children every day who die from hunger. Remember we have a fridge full of food that we can grab when we feel like it and a microwave to instantly cook it in too. Would you join us in prayer for those around the world without food? And most importantly would you join in praying for their salvation?

Compassion is love in action. Start with being in prayer, and if the Lord puts it on your heart to help by giving then let it be done by His leading and provision. Together we can help these kids, and those children who are sponsored through Bridge of Hope who receive education, love, a hot meal and most of all the hope and love of Jesus through a personal relationship.

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1 comment:

  1. If you have supported Gospel for Asia by learning about their ministry by through this blog would you please let us know? You are making a difference!


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(Eph. 4:29; Matt. 12:37; James 1:19; James 1:26).

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(Col. 4:6; Rom. 12:10; Eph. 4:15, 25).

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