Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Next Generation ‘Another Wave is our Only Hope’

First Generation

In the midst of the counterculture revolution of the late 1960s and early 1970s in the United States, the “Jesus People Movement” changed the course of lives and history. It was a time when everything was questioned, but through this exciting period, the impact of God’s Word gave a generation solid truth to rely on.

Ad for exciting celebration in Anaheim
The father of that movement was Chuck Smith, a Southern California pastor. This extraordinary revival stands as a watershed of evangelical history when, under Chuck Smith’s guidance, a generation of hippies were brought to Christ. Thousands would gather nightly in “The Big Tent” erected on the corner of Fairview and Sunflower where the cities of Santa Ana and Costa Mesa overlap to hear the Gospel preached by this gentle man.

But besides the many hippie converts, it also saw the birth of modern-day worship and praise music.
A baptism at Pirate's Cove
Another unique part of the revival was the huge mass baptisms that took place at Pirate’s Cove in nearby Corona del Mar where hundreds of the newly-converted hippies would gather to be baptized by Pastor Chuck and his ministry team.

Love Song in those early days

There is an exciting new documentary “Riptide” which reviews what transpired through the “Jesus Movement” and then surveys its worldwide impact. “Riptide” also looks forward to the challenges and opportunities facing the Church to remain relevant without any compromise to mission or doctrine. 

‘Another Wave is our Only Hope’

With the current challenges and opportunities facing the Church in general to remain relevant Calvary Chapel now more than ever needs to remain Biblical without any compromise to mission or doctrine. Many Christians and churches will never reproduce themselves because they take their faith and legacy with them to the grave. The church was intended to reproduce disciples and fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples.

Next Generation
          "Those that have been privileged to see that work of God usually remain true. It's the next generation, somehow there is a failure to adequately communicate to the next generation the marvelous things of God." Chuck Smith, Joshua 17-24 — Through the Bible (C2000 Series) , (

          "I think that discipleship is a very important part of the ministry when God has blessed and used a person in the ministry. I think that if they are wise, will always be looking towards the next generation.
          I have a very keen interest in young people, in young people who have those God-given abilities, anointings upon their lives. I like to invest time with them, because they are going to be carrying on when we're carried off. And I'm concerned that the work of God go on." Chuck Smith, Acts 16 — Through the Bible (C2000 Series), (

          "And it is glorious to see how that God has worked here in a very fabulous way. Through the teaching of the Word and all, God has blessed us abundantly. But the byproduct is that over two hundred churches across the United States have sprung out of this church. And now many of the churches that have sprung out of this church have become strong and churches are springing out of them. 
          So, we not only have son and daughter type of churches, but we have grandson/granddaughter type of churches; churches that have spun off from churches that have spun off. And as time goes on and the Lord continues to work, we will probably even go into the next generation of spin-offs as the Word of God works mightily in the hearts of the people around the country." Chuck Smith, Acts 18-19 — Through the Bible (C2000 Series), (

Caution / Warnings
          "There are those who say that Emergent movement has some good points, but so does a porcupine. You are better off if you don't get too close!" - Pastor Chuck Smith, 2006

Listen to this message titled "Holiness" by Steve Mays given at the 1996 Pastor's Conference "Laying a Firm Foundation". He does a great job talking about looking unto God and not to Pastor Chuck Smith.

Documentary: Calvary Chapel Story
Run Time: 2 hours, 1 minute 

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