Wednesday, January 11, 2012

John 3:16? Look it up

John 3:16?

John 3:16 is part of the culture of football. We occasionally see it on signs in end zones after field goals and extra point attempts; on players' tape and tattoos; and Tim Tebow was famous for writing it in his eye black. And yet, many fans don't know what it means. They have yet to be touched by the hope it offers - the immediate relevance it has to their lives.

The original goal of LookUp 316 was to air a national commercial during Super Bowl XLV on February 6th, 2011. When the organization took this idea to Fox Sports, host network of last year's Super Bowl, they rejected the commercial on the basis that it contained "religious doctrine." Yet commercials for beer and domain names using soft porn were accepted by Fox Sports.  But the rejected ad encourages viewers to consider their source of ultimate hope and purpose. 

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