Thursday, December 29, 2011

Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Learn the Truth!

Understanding Islam - Audio Download

A former radical Muslim reveals secrets all Christians must know

Daniel Shayesteh has experienced a life that few have lived to tell about. He has journeyed from the darkness of godlessness to the light of Christ-centeredness. As a former radical Muslim who was heavily involved in the Iranian fundamentalist revolution and co-founded the terrorist group Hezbolah in Iran, Daniel was once committed to exterminating Jews, Christians, and other “infidels.”

Daniel’s heart and life were transformed by the love of Christ. He is now a born-again Christian, committed to helping others understand and properly respond to those immersed in the Islamic faith. This audio MP3 download contains the national radio broadcast which highlights Shayesteh's amazing life-story.

Download | Available only until January 2, 2011.

*** If you watch the videos about Islam on their website please know that Parental guidance strongly suggested. ***

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