Thursday, October 6, 2011

Free Books (Order/Read)

'One Heartbeat Away' by Mark Cahill"One Heartbeat Away" by Mark Cahill

Looking for Answers? If you are
sincerely seeking and searching for the truth about
life, wouldn't a free book that would answer your
questions and address any objections be of interest?
One Heartbeat Away is exactly that.

For your FREE Book Visit:

'Revolution in World Missions' by K.P. Yohannan"Revolution in World Missions" by K.P.

Do you long to let go of
self-centeredness and be more eternally minded? Do you
desire to make a difference in the lost world but
aren't sure how to go about it? The gripping message in
Revolution in World Missions can radically change your

For your FREE Book Visit:

"Tortured for Christ" by Richard

'Tortured for Christ' by Richard WurmbrandMeeting in homes, in basements, in the
woods - sometimes daring to preach on public street
corners - these faithful souls persisted in their
Christian witness knowing full well the ultimate cost of
their actions. Tortured for Christ is their story - a
classic account of courage, tenacious faith and
unbelievable endurance. This history of the Underground
Church reflects the struggle in many parts of the world -
a struggle that continues to this day.

For your FREE Book Visit:

"The Evolution of a Creationist" by Jobe Martin
'The Evolution of a Creationist' by Jobe MartinThis book describes Dr. Martin's personal journey from an evolution-trained scientist to a Bible-believing creationist. Dr. Martin examines many of the claims and theories of prominent evolutionists, comparing their often incredible, inconsistent, pseudo-scientific explanations of origins to the clear and simple description of the Creation as depicted in the Bible.

For your FREE Book Visit:

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(Eph. 4:29; Matt. 12:37; James 1:19; James 1:26).

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(Col. 4:6; Rom. 12:10; Eph. 4:15, 25).

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