Thursday, June 9, 2011

Produced Church?

"May I take your order?"
"Yes, I'd like a religious experience, please, with extra feelings, but no absolute doctrine."
"Alright.  That'll be one emotional trip, stripped.  Would you like anything else with that?
"Uh, well, yes, can I have a side of candles, non judgmentalism, and some theological deconstruction?"
"Alright, so you want a light, free, decon.  Is that all?"
"Alright, that..."
"No wait, I just remembered.  Can I have a truth slushy?  I want it really slushy!
"Very good, that'll cost you biblical truth and eternal life at the window."
"Okay, thanks."                (

This is a "Produced Church", it's "Contemporvant". Chronological snobbery says "because it's old it's no good". Bob Coy shares how when it comes to church, traditions shouldn't be tossed out just because it's "old".

GOOD within the movement BAD within the movement
Contextualize the Gospel Watering down the Gospel
Speak the cultural language Use culture to dominate the message
Different media of expression and focus Media used in unbiblical ways
Provides absolutes in a non absolute world Absolutes of doctrine are optional
Focused attempt to reach the lost Reaching the lost trumps truth statements

What do you think? Leave a comment...

Seek and save that which is lost and press on in Love,
Tim Molter, bondservant of Jesus 


  1. The first video was funny and the second video didn't give a good solution to a vague topic (did he even quote God's words?).

    We know the purpose of life is to glorify God. We know that the way we do that is to obey Jesus, and we know Jesus said to make disciples.
    We also know the purpose of life is the most joyful and satisfying thing a person can do, because that is how God made each person.

    Now my question is this: what is the purpose of this blog? Did God want you to do that? If so, then is this the best way you have thought how to do that?

    God is with you Tim, stay close to Him.

  2. Dean the videos are not mine, however they do point out how people are being lead astray from the Gospel.

    When I talk to people on the street they often say they want an experience with God rather than have fellowship with God.

    Be unashamed, strengthened and encouraged to proclaim the gospel!

  3. I came upon your blog today. The Emergent church movement is so very dangerous. It not only waters down the Gospel, it changes it. Leaders like Rob Bell, Brian McLarin, Rick Warren, Mark Driscoll, and .so on and so on,.. are false teachers. I liked your restaurant analogy. So many are looking to the false doctrines of Mormonism and jw.... But are not seeing the seeker-friendly churches pop up. God has graciously illuminated theses facts in His Word for us. We are members of a seeker friendly church, built on the Purpose Driven Church model. We are now looking for a new home. We are attending a church (that we are considering) that teaches through the Word, Book, by Book. Amen! What a breath of fresh air! Brother, you will face heat and opposition for this post, and your position. Hang in there. Seek His Truth only. Care not for the opinions of man. It may get ugly. Persevere brother. God bless! Ps... May I borrow your analogy for my Facebook page? I will reference back to your blog if I do. God bless!

  4. Lisa yes please feel free to link to this blog or post. Thanks. Also if your still unable to find a church that teaches the Word of God book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, then check out a Calvary Chapel.
    Calvary Chapel - Church Finder

    Keeping reading your Bible and Follow Jesus!


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(Eph. 4:29; Matt. 12:37; James 1:19; James 1:26).

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