Students at a Southern California college get a free copy of On the Origin of Species. |
On November 18th of 2009, we gave away 1,000 copies of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species (with a very special introduction) at California State University - Chico (100 other top U.S. universities also gave them to students, 175,000 copies). This is the entire publication (304-pages). Nothing has been removed from Darwin’s original work.
As usual with reprints of On the Origin of Species (there have been over 140 reprints), there is a 50 page Gospel Introduction. In one day, nation-wide 175,000 future doctors, lawyers and politicians freely got information about Intelligent Design (and the Gospel) placed directly into their hands!
Here is a link to view the 50 page introduction which contains the Gospel message (based on the tract Why Christianity? Solving Life's Most Important Question) -
This was such a busy day on campus, the Gideons where there passing out free Bibles, mormons were there with a booth, and the "Turn or Burn" sign people where there on campus also. God was trying to get people's attention on this day. We distanced ourselves from all these groups, handed out thousands of Gospel tracts (even the mormons got some) and even witnessed to the "Turn or Burn" sign people telling them they were leaving out Gods grace, and His love from there preaching. (they may be on our local tv, :-( khsl was there)
For more information on the Origin of Species - Origin Into Schools Project please visit:
For what the news had to say about this nation-wide event please check out:
Watch the Origin Into Schools video:
The On the Origin of Species was given out on the 18th, not the 19th as originally planned. Our strategy changed when we heard that atheists and students had threatened "unilateral resistance," book burnings, protests, and had also threatened to rip out the Introduction. Our agenda was simply to get the books into the hands of the students, without creating a disturbance at universities.
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(Eph. 4:29; Matt. 12:37; James 1:19; James 1:26).
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