Sunday, June 28, 2009

Witnessing Downtown at Lunch

I got to go downtown again on my lunch break and got to talk to a guy who works at the Orland Farm Sanctuary with all different kinds of animals raised on today's industrialized farms that are abused from what they call factory farming. He was not sure what happens when we die, and said that he will find out when he gets there.

I got to share with him about the Bible, Christianity and Jesus Christ. He was very interested and there were a lot of things that he didn't know about. Like he didn't know that we could be saved and what that really meant. It was really an awesome conversation to talk about being secured in Jesus and knowing that we can be in Heaven.

I also got to talk to some Spanish speaking guys at the Jesus Center who were talking about Michael Jackson's death and wanted to know how he died. I told them he had died of a heart attack. If you haven't heard about Michael Jackson's death your living under a rock. The man I had met before I got to encourage again and hand him the Gospel of John to take home and read.

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