Saturday, March 28, 2009

Downtown Plazza at Lunch - teacher from Brazil

So, I thought that I was going to be "Bold For Jesus" and go downtown with my friend Jon Talley, however the Lord had different plans. Oh, I still went down town and talked to people about Jesus, only I was being "Bold With Jesus". From the moment I sat down with a man who the Lord had already been working on his heart. Please pray for divine appointments and to God for people before we talk to people about our God. And remember we are to have conversations with people about Jesus not presentations.

He was a teacher from Brazil and just got his working visa because his friends invited to America. We talked about how nice the day is and then about our jobs for a little bit. Since he is a teacher looking for a job I asked him what he thought about the school shootings and so we talked about that for a bit. I then asked him what he thought happened to those people, did they just walk off the face of the earth are did they go somewhere.

We talked about what is on the other side of this life and how do we get to a place better than this. We then talked about the Ten Commandments and how no one can keep them, and about how we cannot erase our past. But I was able to tell Him about Jesus, and what he did for us, and how we can be with him after this life. By the end of the conversation he asked me if I needed to get back to work, and I told him that I would. Be willing to go the extra mile it means so much to people for them to see that you care.

I told him that I was there to talk to him about my faith and what I believe in because God told me go and talk to him. He was very surprised and told me that I wasted my lunch break on him, and I so disagreed. You will want to make sure in heaven that there are some strangers (although they will be strangers no more) that will thank you for taking the time to share with them what Jesus did for them. We serve an Amazing God! Don't be afraid to step out in faith.

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