Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love Chico? Preach the Gospel!

"Not everyone will enter the kingdom of heaven... God will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me...'" (Matthew 7:21,23)

We must be careful not to let humanitarianism become our gospel. Humanitarianism or Community Service, that is the act of showing kindness and helping out, in which people are trying to demonstrate God's love through service to the community is not the true Gospel. “For blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6). And what/Who is this righteousness? None but God in Jesus Christ!

Humanism: the chief end of being is the happiness of man.

The Gospel: the chief end of being is the glory of God.

There are so many people searching for answers and for truth in this life. We must not fail to tell this world about Jesus and we must do everything we can to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you have a passion for the lost? If you don't I encourage you to pray about their fate and God to help you be moved with compassion. Let us seek a Gospel missions that is centered on and fueled by the glory of God. One in which we send truth, for God is truth and truth is of God. Yes, let’s meet the needs of the people. But let’s meet their greatest need: righteousness, that is in the person of Jesus Christ.

Do you not realize that it is the 'kindness' of God that leads us to repentance! (Romans 2:4). We know that approximately 150,000 people will die today, and our hearts break for those who will slip form this life into an eternity of torment in Hell because they died in their sins. More importantly, we are consumed with concern for those sill on earth who have not yet trusted in Christ for their salvation. So together we must do all that we can to reach the lost. "Repent" is probably one of the nicest things we can say to each other! We must practice sharing our faith in order to become good at it, so why not start today?

Are You a Good Person? Find out if you really are a good person.

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Please be mindful of your words
(Eph. 4:29; Matt. 12:37; James 1:19; James 1:26).

Always exercise Christian love
(Col. 4:6; Rom. 12:10; Eph. 4:15, 25).

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