Hello Chico friends,
We now have even a bigger opportunity to help to further the Gospel...
Originally the plan was just to visit Pleasant Valley High School, however Chico High School is also having this event on the same two days (as is Fairview High School).
Some Clarification...
We will not be on the school campus but will be handing out Gospel tracts, pocket Bibles, and praying with students from the "public sidewalk". For school safety the policy is to protect the kids, however we can be on the "public sidewalk" and hand them Bibles and tracts.
We want to respect the governing authorities so we will be submitting to their policies. Just in case you are wondering this is totally legal, we are protected under our first amendment rights to the freedom of speech on "public sidewalks".
This is something we "get to" do and there are already a bunch of people who would like to be involved in. It will be for both days and about an hour and we will start at 12noon which is most of the kids lunch time. Also if you are interested you can engage in conversations during lunch time with students at various locations around the school such as Big Chico Burger, or downtown Chico.
Here is the game plan:
Wednesday, March 31st - (''crash scene'' day) Pleasant Valley High School (1425 East Ave.) at 12 noon (parking available at CVS Pharmacy, Subway, and nearby parking spots)
Thursday April 1st - (assembly day, all parents are welcome to attend) Chico High School (901 Esplanade) at 12 noon (parking available on West Sacramento Ave., West 1st Ave., and nearby parking spots)
If you don't have any tracts or pocket Bible you can get them from the following sites, and I will also have a bunch with me as will others.
Chick Publications - This Was Your Life
The Pocket Testament League - Gospel of John booklets
Living Waters Publications - Million Dollar Bill and Are You a Good Person?
Look at the response from 2008 - Every 15 Minutes on ACTION NEWS Chico, CA - (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpIw89scrxQ)
Letter to Parents from the Chico Unified School District (view the 2-day event details):
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Please be mindful of your words
(Eph. 4:29; Matt. 12:37; James 1:19; James 1:26).
Always exercise Christian love
(Col. 4:6; Rom. 12:10; Eph. 4:15, 25).
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