Saturday, September 12, 2009

Deepak Chopra at Laxson Auditorium

Wow, I had an amazing and by far one of the most interesting times in witnessing. As many of you know I went to the Laxson Auditorium to hand out Gospel tracts at the Deepak Chopra event.

I got to talk to a lady who lives in town and we had a very nice conversation about our houses and why we were there at the event. She told me she was there with her church called "Chico New Thought Center for Spiritual Living" that meets at the Lakeside Pavilion. She told me her lady minister invited her whole congregation to come and then asked me what church I went to.

I told her, and she told me she used to go there back when it meet at a different location before she left Chico. Once she came back to Chico she moved to another church. She told me that she believed that there is more than one way to God and to Heaven. I politely asked her "what do you think about Jesus?", and at that point she ended our conversation and left looking for her lady minister and church friends.

The reason Jesus is the only way is because Jesus declared it. John 14:6 says "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me."

Once the auditorium doors opened I got to hand out the tracts left and right, and as I was passing them out to people I said to them "Enjoy the show". I even got to give out what time it was, direct people to the water fountains and to the restrooms. Suddenly a man from inside came up to me and asked me what I was handing out. I told him "the Truth about how God loves people".

Colossians 4:5 says "Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time."

He then asked me what organization I was with, so I said the first thing that came to mind "Jesus". At once he threatened me that I needed to leave or else he would call the police. I have to be honest, I told him to go ahead and do that. He left and then minutes later came back out and informed me that I can hand them out on the sidewalk but not on University property unless I have an approved permit.

So I politely apologized and said I didn't know and then moved down to the sidewalk. Colossians 4:6 says "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."

I got to pass more tracts down there on the sidewalk, where it became a better location since most people already went in. A lady approached me asking what time is was, and we got to talk awhile. She was waiting for her son who works at Enloe Medical Center who was running late.

Suddenly a huge man (about my height) came up to me and started to verbally assault me and said to me "You are spreading lies, and are going straight to hell". (It was great to know that he believed in hell at least.) I told him that I'm not against Deepak Chopra and I want to see him saved and come to Jesus. He then continued to hurl insults at me and loudly. I told him that he has a right to believe what he believes and then he gave me back the tract and left.

Just then as I was feeling that I should give up and I was so discouraged, two people were walking by and very intrigued by what I was handing out. The guy and girl read it and then came back up to me. They both said "Everything in this is right on" and "the Scriptures you used are True". Isn't that great to know that there are people who are seeking Truth, and we get to tell them.

The two were Christians asked me what church I went to and I told them. They were looking for a church that is "Bold for Jesus" and "not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ". The lady who before was asking me what time it was then asked me what it was that I had handed her and told her "the Truth about God's love for people." She said she would read it and enjoyed talking to me and thanked me for talking to her and helping her as she waited.

Galatians 2:20 says "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."

Overall I got to hand out 345 tracts, was threatened "with calling the police", verbally assaulted, thanked, encouraged, and had a very blessed night. Please pray for the lady I talked with and her misguided church, pray for the lady who asked me what time it was and for her son, and please pray for everyone who received a tract and all of those people at the event. Thank you for your prayers and support.
(PS. Here is the tract for those who would like to see it)

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